According to a recent poll, over 43 percent of Americans workers perform their jobs remotely. Not having to get up and go to the office on a daily basis not only saves a worker time, but it can also save them a lot of money as well.

If you are a business owner trying to manage a remote workforce, you need to focus on using the technology available to you. In recent years, instant messaging has become the preferred method of communication for business owners and their remote workers.

Staying in constant communication with your team will help you stay up to speed on the work they are doing. Read below to find out about some of the instant messaging best practices you need to be using.

Keep the Messages Short and to the Point

The biggest mistakes you need to avoid when sending instant messages to your team is making them too long. No one wants to sit there and read a multi-page diatribe about a project they are working on.

You need to focus on keeping your instant messages around two lines or so. If you have more you need to say, then chances are you need to schedule a call with your remote team. Regular video chats are a great way to increase the human interaction you have with your team.

Avoid Shorthand When Possible

For years, shorthand like LOL and BRB have become a part of the fabric of our daily life. While these shorthand phrases are great for talking with friends, they need to be avoided when dealing with work-related matters.

Not only can this shorthand be confusing, but it may also give a remote worker or customer the wrong impression of your company. While it may be a bit time-consuming to spell everything out, it will be worth it in the long run.

Be As Personal As Possible

When dealing with remote employees or customers via instant message, you need to be as personal as possible. The last thing you want is for your messages to come off as insincere or robotic.

Asking your workers about how their family is or what new things they have been trying recently can be helpful when attempting to build a relationship. Not only will these messages make your workers feel better about being employed with your company, it can also keep them loyal.

Make Sure You Have a Reason to Message an Employee

Simply sending an instant message to say hi to an employee can get a bit annoying over time. Before you hit the send button on your chat message, you need to make sure it is needed. If the information you are sending via message is something the employee already knows, you need to delete and wait for another reason.

Reply With More Than One Word

If your employee sends you a message, avoid replying with one word. This may give the employee the impression that you don’t care. Taking the time to craft a thoughtful reply is essential and well worth the effort.

Leave The Lines of Communication Open

When using instant messaging to connect with employees, be sure that you are available. If your employees are in a different part of the country or world, they may message you at odd hours. Being available can help you avoid issues with questions going unanswered.

Keep Messages Secure

You also need to make sure the instant messaging app you are using is secure. Neglecting to consider this important factor can lead to sensitive information getting into the wrong hands.
Are you in need of help with your company’s unified communications? If so, contact Monster VoIP today to find out how we can help.