Contact Center as a Service

Take your customer relationships into the cloud

Build loyalty and gain deep insights into your business with an all-in-one contact-center-as-a-service (CCaaS) solution.

Monstervoip Enterprise

Seamless support for the entire customer journey

Take your customer service to the next level with a next-generation cloud contact center solution that's feature-rich and ready to go right out of the box. Access everything you need to provide truly omnichannel support.

Designed for workforce engagement

Track, manage, and improve agent performance with access to deep insights, agent performance metrics, and everything needed to create a winning CX.

Provide ongoing training and support

Turn the data you collect from every call into actionable insights that improve agent performance, so you can deliver the best possible customer experience.

Stay in control of your costs

Why pay for more capacity than you need? Our fully brandable and customizable CCaaS solution keeps you in control with per active session billing.

Core Benefits

Provide limitless customer support

One Platform for Everything

Make calls, connect with customers, and provide high-quality support from one streamlined platform.

Intuitive Dashboard

Manage, configure, and control your contact center through a simple, unified interface

Extensive Reporting & Analytics

See all call center statistics and apply sentiment analysis to recorded calls.

Flexible Deployment

Choose the CCaaS model that works best for your business.

Secure and Reliable

Combine TLS with streamlined auditing, routing, and reporting.

24/7/365 Support

Receive anytime, anywhere support from an experienced team.

It's time to upgrade your customer service

See how Monster VoIP's CCaaS solution can transform the way you provide support to your customers.

Contact Center as a Service
Contact Center as a Service
Monstervoip peerless experience

Superior Expertise

We have decades of B2B experience

Are you providing the best customer experience possible? Monster VoIP has everything you need to provide seamless and reliable support through every stage of the customer journey.

  • Expert guidance to seamlessly evolve your business
  • Transparent pricing without the complexity
  • A cloud contact center tailored to your needs

Feature-Rich CCaaS

Transform how you support your customers

Give your business the monitoring tools and capabilities needed to manage an enterprise-grade contact center while protecting your business’s reputation for providing exceptional service.

  • Comprehensive analytics including agent performance and sentiment analysis
  • A fully white-label portal with support for multiple user roles
  • Graphical reporting and agent announcements
Contact Center as a Service monstervoip


CCaaS You Can Count On



Answering Rules
& Greetings

Chat &


250+ CRM


Reporting & Analytics

Call Monitoring &



Auto Attendant

About CCaaS

Frequently asked questions

Have questions about our contact center solution? Explore our frequently asked questions (FAQs) to learn more about this solution and how it can transform your business.

Take the Next step

Start engaging with your customers today

Book a meeting and we'll show you what seamless customer support looks like with the right CCaaS solution.

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