Welcome to Monster chats presented by Monster VoIP where we share the tools methods and best practices the business leaders use to build new connections strengthen relationships and impact sales in organizations of all shapes and sizes if you have any questions that come up during today’s episode please text them to 424.378.6966.
Please welcome the founder of Monster VoIP, your host Collin Mitchell.
Roger Jung:
All right, the real Collin, man.
Collin Mitchell:
Today we’re gonna be talking to Roger Jung the VP of sales of Evolved Office, a digital marketing agency based in Florida, Roger and I are good friends and we’ll be talking about how marketing has shifted due to the pandemic and dig into the do’s and don’ts of marketing during this time I’m Collin Mitchell I’m the host of Monster Chats and the founder of Monster VoIP, Roger Jung is a digital marketing evangelist, technology enthusiast, passionate about innovation, lead generation, family and surfing. Roger likes to look at the positive side of things, “life’s too short to focus on the negativity” says Roger. Roger welcome to Monster Chats.
Roger Jung:
Hey, it’s good to be here Collin.
Collin Mitchell:
So you have a very interesting story we’re personal friends, you know, tell us a little bit about your story, you know, where you came from how you got here and where you’re at today.
Roger Jung:
All right, definitely, so I’m originally from Brazil, I came to the U.S. when I was thirteen in the hopes of becoming a professional tennis player, believe it or not, but that did come to fruition but I was fortunate enough to make my way all the way to college and I got a full scholarship in college then after my tennis career and college was over I got a job at Oracle, so I worked for oracle here in Miami for about two years and then transfer me to Canada then after Canada they shipped me back to Brazil I stayed there for a few years and then I got, you know, an opportunity came and I came back here to Miami and was able to partner with my current partner right now in business to launch this digital marketing agency so…
Collin Mitchell:
So tell me what was that like, you know, coming here to the U. S. you know, to pursue your dreams and then, you know, sent back after it didn’t work out? tell me about that.
Roger Jung:
Man, it was hard I mean think about putting a thirteen-year-old kid into a school, you know, and you didn’t know any English and you just have to go in and, you know, learn it as you go and kids are making fun of you I mean if you want to talk about bully, you know, it was a different era but it was good man, I think that, you know, I grew up like with the span of three months I went from being a thirteen-year-old to like an eighteen-year-old my family really didn’t have any money I think my first job was at a flea market pushing up an ice cream truck for like twelve hours and making forty dollars.
Collin Mitchell:
That was your first sales gas.
Roger Jung:
That’s my first job man it was rough, and then not knowing any English although I was selling ice cream in the flea market not knowing any English but then, you know, you keep going, you know, anytime somebody hits you, you know, in the face I think you just got to keep going and…
Collin Mitchell:
You must know how to get pretty creative to actually sell anything.
Roger Jung:
Roger Jung:
I’ll tell you what, I’m in Florida, man, it’s hot, there’s not much sales space to sell an ice cream you know.
Collin Mitchell:
Okay well. That worked out I guess huh.
Roger Jung:
Collin Mitchell:
All right so today we’re going to discuss how marketing has shifted due to the pandemic what marketers need to stop doing right now and what marketers can do well to working from home so… Roger tell me, you know how has marketing shifted due to the pandemic? what are you seeing?
Roger Jung:
I mean it’s been a roller coaster ride I think that, you know, people, some customers or some marketers at least some of our clients you know they are… they may be… you know, kind of only back a little bit on ad spending from Google and paid social campaigns and now they’re kind of leaning towards more the efforts in email marketing as it’s still the most cost-effective way for them to market and it’s the only way for them to get the word out to their customers and prospects because, you know, these guys may not be at their office they’re working from home but they’re still getting their emails so we’ve seen a huge increase in email marketing and a slight decrease on, you know, digital marketing this time.
Collin Mitchell:
So what you’re saying is people are spending less money on ads and they’re putting more effort or dollars into email marketing.
Roger Jung:
Yeah absolutely and they’re coming up with some, you know, creative marketing campaigns where, you know, they’re trying to sell software or hardware, providing, you know, free set up or, you know, defer payments for 90 to 180 days I think it’s a good strategy because it shows that human element that we’re all going through this and nobody right now wants to open up their wallet but, you know, we know that if we do this right this is going to be something that’s going to pass so, you know, 60 to 90 day offer on a product or service is something that you know people are entertained. Right?
Collin Mitchell:
Right so those that are doing email marketing they really need to be careful about what they’re saying like the message they’re putting out there right.
Roger Jung:
Our clients, in turn, are saying to their customers “Hey”, you know, “get into this new hardware” or “purchase this new set of Softwares” “we’re going to give you free installation and free software for the next ninety to sixty days” so everybody’s kind of playing that ninety to sixty days, and showing the human element and that has gotten some traction, you know, for at least in our space which is B2B, right? so that is where, you know, we specialize our efforts.
Collin Mitchell:
Yeah so it sounds like, you know, the people that are doing this right are not just saying “Hey we understand the current situation” but they’re really stepping up and saying “Hey, how can we help people that still need our products still need our services” but maybe might have a difficult time making a decision because of the current situation and getting creative about that.
Roger Jung:
Yeah absolutely so, you know, we have clients that I had to let go, you know, a lot of people, so, you know, they don’t want to spend any money right now so it’s time to say, you know, let’s just do some defer billing for sixty to ninety days, will help your house in order so that once the storm passes, you know, you guys are ready to launch you got to dial then lest we got to dial then, you know, campaign rated to go we set it all up for you free of charge and then, you know, we’re ready to rock.
Collin Mitchell:
Right okay and so what, I mean, what things do marketers need to stop doing right now? things that they were doing before they absolutely should not be doing that could hurt their reputation, you know, a lot of people have email, you know, automation, drip campaigns, things that were pre-set before the situation happened, like, what do they need to stop doing right now?
Roger Jung:
I think you need to… if you have any marketing automation you definitely have to edit that content there’s no way around, then go back and edit that content and you know, keep it going but that’s the first thing, yeah, it’s… you got to use your P. R. skills, this time, you cannot just, you know, go for a straight cell, you know, full pricing on it, and, you know, so there’s a couple of strategies here, right, so you know that people are suspending their ads so if your competitors are spending their ads, you know, do you want to double down on it and just start spending more ads you know.
Collin Mitchell:
Which is a big risk, right? Because you don’t know what the next sixty, you know, ninety hundred eighty days look like and you got to be if you’re small-medium size business you walk that fine line of not overspending but also, you know, doing what you can to survive to keep your business afloat.
Roger Jung:
Yeah and then you also have to check out CNN and the whole stimulus package, you know, how that plays into it, so it’s, you know, just like anything in business, it’s, you know, it’s a difficult situation, you know, do you want to double down and get a lot of exposure now and hope that the government is going to bail you out and give you that grant, I although I heard that, you know, employees must get ninety percent of their workforce I don’t know, some parameters in there but, you know, there’s two strategy, you can pull back or you can go all-in which I guess is the same strategy the people playing the stock market right now, you know, are you gonna pull back because you don’t think it’s low enough for you going to go all-in
Collin Mitchell:
I know you and I would say that you probably are the all-in type of guy, is that pretty accurate?
Roger Jung:
You send me your portfolio man I took some of your pics, I went all in.
Collin Mitchell:
I went all in and then stop watching go all in and then just don’t watch because it’s not painful. But you got to play the long game, right?
Roger Jung:
You have to play the long game.
Collin Mitchell:
It’s the same in business, right? I mean, I think that, there’s different types of people that do well under pressure and do better when they’re back is against the wall and they’re all in, they perform better in that in that type of environment.
Roger Jung:
Yeah absolutely and that’s what makes business fine, you know, in my opinion, what makes business fun is that you kind of, if you put your own personality to it, you know, there’s so many different scenarios, if it’s all going to be the same formula you’ll be boring almost like, you know, if everybody had same personality the world wouldn’t be as fun as it is, right?
Collin Mitchell:
Roger Jung:
And the same thing on how you play with your business, man, if you go in put your personality and you all in you know you’re going to deal with that, if you’re a little more conservative then you’re going to have all the results and that’s what makes the whole, I mean, I should say fun at this time with the place right because it’s not a good moment that we have, but it’s intriguing that you have options as a business owner, but during this time, you know, whatever options you take internally, you have to always be, you know, accounted for what we’re dealing with, here, you know.
Collin Mitchell:
Yeah yeah all right we’re gonna take a quick second just to tell you a little bit about Monster VoIP and what we do here, we help businesses improve their communication tools and also help them save thirty to fifty percent off their current business phone bill, if you have any questions or you’d like to learn more you can text us at 424.378.6966 so, Roger tell me, you know, we talked a lot about, you know, the things that people are shifting in doing, we talked about things that they should stop doing, hitting pause on those drip campaigns and automation’s and editing that content, right? but what things can marketers do right now while they’re working from home to stay productive and make sure that they’re doing it, you know, in an empathetic way?
Roger Jung:
I think that, you know, you have to look at all those internal processes, that wish list that you always had that you wanted to implement but you never had time because there’s so much going on, I mean this is a great opportunity for you to get to the tasks like, you know, setting up your list, you know, dial in your C. R. M. your automation, so if you’re having any sort of C. R. M. automation that you want to have for your sales team you can certainly take care of that, any website edits, you know, your calendar, so those, you know, I have that list I’m sure you have that list Collin, all those wish that you could get to, so, I think those are the things that I would focus on, and establish, you know, schedule it, it’s very important if you’re working from home, you have to establish schedule, just like when we work at our offices, you know, if it’s twelve o’clock it’s time for you to have lunch you gotta stop go do your lunch if you work out before or after, you know, get your workout in or after, and you’ll see that you’ll be more productive.
Collin Mitchell:
Absolutely yeah, I think there’s a lot of people that are probably, like you said, getting things done that they never had the time to get to before, but you know, once that’s complete, once that to-do list is all checked up, then what?
Roger Jung:
Well you know they can do man, they can actually go over a few of their phone bills and see if it makes sense to jump into Monster VoIP, you know, they could do that. Right?
Collin Mitchell:
Or get somebody to help them with their email marketing.
Roger Jung:
Oh, let’s no go over there.
Collin Mitchell:
So, you know, that’s all the time that we have today thanks for your investment in taking some time and welcome to the Monster Chats family Roger, just tell us a little bit how can people find you online if they want to learn more about you or your company? yeah, tell us.
Roger Jung:
We’ll definitely yeah, so, definitely look me up on LinkedIn Roger. Jung and Jung it’s pronounced J. U. N. G. company name is called Evolved Office and we picked up that name because we felt that marketing is always evolving so we said well let’s just name it Evolved Office and evolvedoffice.com and Roger on the LinkedIn and, you know, whatever I can help during this time let me know.
Collin Mitchell:
Absolutely appreciate, before I let you go, tell us something personal about yourself that people might not know, you know, what’s on your playlist what’s your favorite app, anything.
Roger Jung:
Favorite app, my favorite app, I just found this app I thought was the greatest app ever and it’s free, right it’s called Wunderlist, I think that they’re moving to Microsoft don’t know if they’re moving something else but, it’s, you know you just put your to-do’s there, you know, whether your house to-do’s or your groceries to-do’s and it just sends you reminders and you start checking, I use mostly for groceries, you know, I linked up with my wife and then, it’s time to go to the groceries, you know, we just added with a touch of a button to the list and while I’m shopping over there and, you know, whatever the supermarket, I start just checking office, I grab stuff and if she forgets she can do it in the house she doesn’t has call me or text me, she can do it there and it pops up in my list, where I get a noise like, I mean, I’m in alley twenty and I’m ready to go and then she forget something she puts in I gotta go back to alley three and alley five so that that kind of takes me off but, you know, you got to get it done so.
Collin Mitchell:
It’s better than going all the way home and then have to go back to the store, right?
Roger Jung:
Yeah and and I look at people, man, they still have like, their pens and pencils and they’re checking things off and they drop the pencil and I’m like, just use this app, is free, you know, I never stopped anybody but I’ll stand it to stop people and say “Hey check out this app” there’s no endorsements for me it’s free but that is my favorite free app.
Collin Mitchell:
Well if you stop people in the store make sure you do it from a distance.
Roger Jung:
Collin Mitchell:
Hey, thanks for listening to the podcast please subscribe, review, share, we’re listening so we’d love to hear your feedback this show is for you and we look forward to hearing from you thanks Roger.
Roger Jung:
Thank you guys have a good one, stay well.
Collin Mitchell:
Thank you for tuning in for another episode of Monster Chats presented by Monster VoIP where we share the tools methods and best practices that business leaders use to build new connections, strengthen relationships and impact sales in organizations of all shapes and sizes if you have any questions from today show and want to reach us directly please text to question to 424.378.6966.