A VoIP phone system is a software or hardware-based telephone system configured around the Voice over Internet Protocol technology. The system converts analog audio data into a digital format and then transmits it over the internet. At the other end, it also converts the incoming digital signals into standard telephone audio. The caller initiates the process while it ends with the recipient of the call.

Due to the fact that it is much more cost-effective, organizations have embarked on a paradigm shift from the traditional telecommunication technology to this one. Unfortunately, the shift comes with security challenges as it has now attracted the attention of hackers. So, if you want to enjoy your VoIP system without security issues, you need to adopt some of the best security practices outlined below.

Restrict Access

One of the best techniques to secure your VoIP phone system is to restrict physical access to the physical hardware. Only very few people should be authorized to have access to it. The more people have access to it, the more they are likely to cause a security breach accidentally/ignorantly or deliberately.


Apart from ensuring that the platform is encrypted, each user should access it with a password. In addition, you need to enforce strict password policies such as having your employees change their passwords every month.

Keep IT Updated

A good security practice is to install a system that will not only prevent intrusion but also detect and expose it. Once an unauthorized intrusion is detected, the unauthorized access should be detected and blocked. Most importantly, this kind of technology should be updated regularly to keep your structure several steps ahead of hackers.

Stay On Top of Latest Patches

Most software providers keep searching for the security loopholes in their system and when they spot one, it will be plugged with a patch. So, you should always install the latest security patch at the first prompt of your software provider.

Scrutinize Your Provider

It is important you hire only a tested and verified VoIP system provider that has a proven track record. If a proven provider can’t be found, you may need to examine your potential service provider to find how they keep clients’ systems safe and secure.

Outsource the Service

Providers of the service often manage the system remotely. So, it is a good idea for the service provider to also manage the system for you. In such an arrangement, the security of your system will be the major responsibility of the third-party manager.

In conclusion, although there are other important practices to secure your telephone system, the few outlined above should keep hackers at bay. To learn more about VoIP security, contact Monster VoIP today!