What is Telecommuting

Also known as teleworking, remote working, or working from home, allows employees to work outside of their company’s office. They typically work at their own homes or other locations such as coffee shops, public libraries, or stores. Workers use equipment like laptops to process business information and communicate with co-workers and clients using video and voice calls, text messaging, and email often through smartphones. VoIP (Voice over Internet Protocol) becomes a useful and cost-effective way of integrating voice and multimedia communications over the Internet. Here are the benefits of telecommuting.

Benefits Of Telecommuting

Improve Productivity

Numerous scientific studies have shown that telecommuting employees improve their productivity by about 20 to 25 percent over their office-bound workmates. This is due partially because they experience more control over their time and lives, making them happier and healthier. Their morale improves because they can easily integrate their work and home lives. Workers can telecommute effectively if they are self-starters who can work independently and be technically self-sufficient. Their managers must be able to set clear deadlines and expectations and trust that their subordinates can get their work done without direct control.

Reduce Costs

As for business, telecommuting can be cost-effective because workers at home don’t require desks, office space, and parking spots at company headquarters. The company saves money with less use of energy and materials. Because telecommuters do not commute, they neither pollute nor release greenhouse gas emissions. Recruiting for the right employees is no longer bound by geography. A company can truly hire the best talent no matter where they are located around the country or the world. Retention rates tend to remain high because workers like the flexibility to determine their own schedules.

For telecommuting to work, both company and employees require access to a high-speed/broadband Internet connection, a phone system that accepts remote access via voice mail and teleconferencing, a video chat or instant-messaging system, and usable project-tracking and calendar software. VoIP technologies already include many of these features. Calls, files, media, appointments, and tasks can be instantly routed to anyone connected to the network, regardless of their location or time zone.

Although telecommuting disrupts the traditional workplace, it has been growing in popularity. It offers cost-savings and increased productivity for employers as well as flexibility and more life satisfaction for employees. Are you interested in implementing telecommuting with VOIP at your business? Contact Monster VoIP to learn more about how our phone system can help your business!